The N100 Expert meetings will define the most promising cross-disciplinary avenues with regard to technologies, innovations and the seven main areas. Topics will always include technology, digitalisation, innovation and their opportunities relating to
1) society, education and media
2) politics, governance and human rights
3) economy, finance and business
4) environment, sustainability and energy
5) global relations, security and defence
6) urbanization and transportation
7) future of technology and science
Define: the expert meetings will define the most promising cross-disciplinary avenues with regard to technologies, innovations and the seven main areas
Share: these findings will be shared with a wider audience (both online and direct)
Reflect: the expert groups will reflect on the commentaries and inputs from the wider audience
Inspire: as we gradually creating the “nucleus” group with outreach into each of the fields, we will be encouraging further ramification of the main messages
Impact: each meeting will be complemented by a written report with concrete and practical points that can be measured and followed upon
Sustain: we launch this initiative in 2019 and will further widen it way beyond this scope. This is an important part of the overall “NEXT 100” initiative, which includes the Symposium, online expert groups and ReDefine Next100 Youth Program
The 6 Objectives
Expert sessions: cross-fertilizing, cross-disciplinary, mutually inspiring meetings resulting in the individual reports, including training and educational dimension, useful contacts, and strong recommendations for impact. Each expert meeting with a prominent international guest speaker
Educational Workshops on the basics of advanced technology like AI, machine/deep learning, data analytics, language processing, complex systems, IoT, etc.
A unique opportunity for people outside the domains of technology and science to gain a foundational understanding of factors shaping our future.
Public Discussion
Presentation of the meetings’ discussion outcomes and an open debate - open for the public and invited guests.
expert report
Expert Sessions will produce reports on each Next 100 Area. The draft of the report will be presented and discussed at a public event with involved and active audience participation. Based on these, we will prepare a preliminary report, submitted to the 21 working groups of the Next 100 Symposium.
The Czech appetite for transformation and for investing into the future needs to be kick started. Central Europe trails behind its potential, unable to unleash its inherent cultural, economic and social capital. Large parts of society have sunk into complacency, and apathy. Institutions tend to be rigid and unresponsive and politicians do little to prepare the country for its future. There are deep (intra)regional differences in quality of life, education, economic and social opportunities which translates into the political disengagement and apathy. Deep transformations in the outside world pick up steam while Czechs are busy solving irrelevant, emotional, or non-strategic issues. We are running out of time for change.
The goal of the project is to help transform the potential energy into a kinetic one by infusing the entrepreneurial, innovative and progressive spirit of leading technological and scientific pioneers into the public, business and political environments. How? By fostering the productive, innovative spirit of the tech and innovation environment to inspire, invigorate and empower the discussions in Central Europe in the realms of innovation, technology and most importantly, civil society.